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呼呼的風聲連睡覺都有點困難 令人有點心煩
哪都不能去 我只好拿起相機走來走去 隨手拍拍
有兩張比較好玩的貼上來分享 呵呵

jwsblog 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Oct 04 Thu 2007 22:28
  • 置頂 泡沫

曲詞/ Lara

你像是一個泡沫 飄進我的世界 期待跟著變濃
一杯黑咖啡 多了奶球的香味 怎麼不會心動

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MM....Since I bought my first SLR early this year, I don't pay a lot of attention on it and make some good pix.
Just a few minutes ago I had my first try to picture night street view near my place from 14th floor high.
It surprises me, I like the feel the photo shows and wanna share to you all.
Here it is....

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每個星期六下午,都會去sport club運動,今天也不例外,
突然想起那間sport club也有在按摩師在幫人家按摩...

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