目前分類:Jiang's thinking (69)

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許多樂器一竅不通 吉他也不全懂
美妙的旋律各不同 想你無盡的溫柔
你說你喜歡我唱歌 眼睛甜甜的望著你
抱著真心用我的方式 說愛你 我願意
一句月亮代表我的心 幾個和弦編織了愛情

jwsblog 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

My dear
u started ur whole new life in Japan yesterday,
don't worry too much, just go ahead.
I'll be back of u and support all the time.
I am looking forward to talk to you everynight,

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08-20 13:53

jwsblog 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

In this generation we own better economic conditions & international aspect.

There will be a dream living in our mind. During the golden period of life people should take advanture for themselves. Don't regret what you have done, time still goes by.

Treasure what you own and whom you meet, Winni....be brave, I trust you  forever.

jwsblog 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

 

今日  日本語 手紙 書.

 日本語勉強 習.

  日本語  難 面白.   頑張.

  .

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Unstable internet destroyed my post yesterday, hope not happen again 

2005.Oct.25. It's a special day to memorize, Owing to the cost down
policy of company I have to drop my work & find a new place to stay next

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This week Winni went to Japan and attended the Yokohama Show...

I got some tired with my work these few days.Maybe one quake will shake my department recently.

Nobody knows what the future is rigth now except boss.I have to modify my atttitude and enjoy my rest days in CPT.

The temperature is getting colder and colder, you must notice the time need to wear more... 

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3 Oct. Japanese class (J2) begins  from seventh lesson at 6:30,

the same classroom, the same teacher.

To wake up at 5:30 is a challenge needed to overcome by myself

I need to keep learning, because I want to write something here in Japanese someday.  

Good luck for me//

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The same Friday morning and office routine, try to find some space and time to write something here. Fortunately I keep myself in a good mood and the weather is nice.

Wish I can win the bowling game today. 

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